“A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more.”
– John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Flowers are members of this league of irresistibility. We may think we have a command over their destiny, but it is they who dictate the very leanings of our hearts and feelings so silently and effortlessly. Sweet nectar of persuasion, our hearts respond to their will and power almost instantaneously.
Had it not been for the fact the flowers arrive in bud-form, the pleasure may have not reached such ecstatic heights. For as each flower bloomed the room became more and more delectable, a surprise that continued to possess its observer with the slightest of movements. Was there ever a thing that could so easily excite?
Allow the brightness of flowers to spread over your day and life, they are too good to miss out on.