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Fruit Vases: A Fresh Way to Use Your Flowers!

sdfsdf One of the great things about summer is all the fresh fruit that suddenly finds its way onto our kitchen counters. Mangos, oranges, watermelons, kiwis, coconuts, cherries, pineapples, avocados, and of course the ever classic staple of bananas. All the heat demands that we have some methods of cooling off and nothing is quite so scrumptious as a bite of cold fruit whilst at the pool or beach. The sun expands our tastebuds and allows us to appreciate the fruit in full-flavor. Yet did you know that you could make use of this fruit in more ways that consumption? With all the amazing fruit salads, juices, and flavored waters, there is probably a lot of “fruit skin” lying about that sadly gets tossed in the trash. But with a little clever “carving” when you are extracting the fruity flesh, you can have some gorgeous vases for beautiful party arrangements at your BBQs, summer dinners, or perhaps for a tropical wedding never to be forgotten.

There are several tutorials on Youtube, for example, with how to carve a watermelon as a vase. Fill it up with colorful flowers or strong whites that pair beautifully with its vibrant green outer color! You can use watermelons of all shapes and sizes, it does not all have to be the famous impossibly large melon (although that would certainly make for an impressive table centerpiece at the grill station of your next party. Cute round and dark green melons make for adorable centerpieces. Another remarkably majestic fruit-based arrangement is to use the pineapple as your base. It is utterly stunning to see the royal-looking pineapple with overflowing white or red flowers. Lilies or Hydrangeas are a safe bet if you wish to floor others with your creative skills. It does not take much of your effort or time either. Make a glorious arrangement in minutes! We have got the freshest flowers in order to make it possible!

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