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Love Expressed in the Petals of a Rose (Revisited)

An Original Article by Zoran Velkovski[


“It is the time you have lost for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Known as a classic novella (especially for children), The Little Prince is overflowing with philosophic meaning, with thoughts that touch upon the human condition itself. The character of the young prince falls in love with a rose and upon discovering that there are many other roses in this universe’s existence, he laments that his rose is not unique. However, a fox consoles him with bringing out the fact that just by her being the object of his affection, by his having spent time on her, his rose is, in fact, quite unique.

Flowers have been a member of the romantic arena since its very birth, for they emanate love’s delicacies and reflect the beauteous qualities that belong to women. Just as there are many “I’s” (since humanity is composed of many individuals) but there is, in a sense, only one “I” for every person, so too this quality is present in love. Communicate the uniqueness of the deliciously strange and gripping emotion of romance with the gift of roses. The thought, the time and consideration taken, the gravitational effect of seeing a bud one moment later come into full and bursting bloom, these are all transmitted and are sewn into the heart with the warmest of feelings.

As with the people we love, the tender gift of flowers is never to be forgotten, for each dearest person is, in fact, our life’s eternal rose.

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