There are flowers for all sorts of moments, striped carnations for love that cannot be returned. Roses of all sorts of hues to express the deepest expressions of one’s heart. Yes, love is like a plant that must be nourished and tended to…she cannot be forgotten. Sometimes, out of fear…fear because it seems so unlikely or even inconvenient, we strangle love, deny her roots sustenance and space, and withhold her existence before it had hardly a chance to begin. This is perhaps one of the greatest sins and injustices we can do to ourselves.
The other injustice is to “participate” in love out of the fear of being alone. These are true phantoms that haunt us, the ghosts beyond Halloween. A darkness that threatens to accompany us in our everyday choices. So this Halloween be safe and beware! We can be our own enemies, but a clear mind will certainly help. The petals of the flowers do not lie.