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The “I’m Sorry Flower”: Apologizing with Roses

Life presents us with a multitude of facets and situations, it is a wonder that in experiencing so much we can become desensitized to it and perhaps even bored. Yet it happens and often times we simply need a moment to step back, reflect, and freshen up our perspective and experience. Consider any time that has been a hardship for you, or where you may have offended someone. For what reason? To what end? Sometimes we act as if blind simply attempting to feel and hurt others in the process. We may even forget what truly moves us and get lost in some lesser activity, miss an important event for a loved one, or just not be as present as we should. What should be done in these situations?

There are two apologies to make in tough times, the one to those that you have hurt, and then the one to yourself for allowing the most important things in life to slip. But how do we freshen everything? Well there are different steps to be taken, relationships to work on, tasks to accomplish; however, have you ever taken a moment to notice the significance of a simple gesture and what impact it can make? By this we of course mean the elegant, silently alluring arrangement of flowers that stare so seductively as you open the door. The confidence which they suggest, what good feelings towards the future. Could we not all use this? So next time you are in a situation where introspection is required, and perhaps an apology to be made, you may want to think about the healing process and what steps you can take to be in a better place. As far as the flowers go, we know it will brighten the perspective, that is why they have been in the realm of humanity for so long, in our art and more. So take a moment to smell their sweet scent, an instant pick-me up.

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