Ever wondered if everything has truly been said about flowers and blooms? Ask the Flowers Guy (flowersguy@globalrose.com) and get answers to your questions from a different, very distinct angle.
Enshrined in myth, lore and fantasy, bridal bouquets have – for millennia – been part of the rich symbolism of rituals of wedlock in cultures the world over. In the case of western wedding celebrations and traditions, the origin of the bridal bouquet is thought to have taken root as far back as ancient Greece, sprouted in ancient Rome, leafed in the Middle Ages, blossomed in the Victorian era, and bloomed in modern times (pun intended.)
While the tossing of the bouquet may be related to the Greek myth of the Golden Apple of Discord, [1] it was in ancient Rome that it first became regarded as a foretoken of bounty, progeny and happiness. Roman traditions had that the bride’s attire was to be completed with a bouquet made out of herbs carefully picked by the bride herself. [2] Tradition that carried over to the Middle Ages, when these were made from strong smelling herbs and into amulets to ward-off evil spirits.
It was not until the earliest years of the Victorian era though – and because of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s rather public and decidedly celebrated royal romance and wedding – that flowers developed into western collective consciousness as symbols of romance and love. Desperately in love and privy to the secret language of flowers, [3] they celebrated their relationship by extending each other gifts of blooms; coded messages of feelings that were not to be spoken aloud at the time.
Notable amongst these, are the matching pieces of Orange Blossom – the flower itself denotes marriage and eternal love – inspired jewelry that Albert presented Victoria, and to mark significant moments in their lives between 1839 and 1846. First in the set was a brooch in the form of spring of (orange) blossom to celebrate their engagement. [4] Most eloquent of their romance and shared encoded expressions of love though, were the flowers worn by Victoria for their wedding in 1840.
Expanding of the present she received from the groom – it also represents fruitfulness and innocence, – Orange Blossom decorated her hair and dress and the first time a floral bouquet made way into royal wedding celebrations. Made up entirely of Snowdrops, bloom that in the twilight of winter breaks through the cold and ice and denotes of hope. Abundant for the time of year of their nuptials and Albert’s favorite flower, they were worn by Victoria as part of her posy. [5]
What by the time of her marriage was already the foremost global power of its day, during Queen Victoria’s time at the throne of the British Empire, it continued to expand, and by the end of her life she had come to be the head of over one-fifth of the earth’s surface and almost a quarter of the world’s population. Beholder for over six decades of unparalleled influence, it was Queen Victoria’s simple, sweet gesture to her husband to be, the first break of blossom into what the bridal bouquet is today.
A scepter of sorts, for – besides the wedding gown, – no other single item or accessory will be so uniquely eloquent about the bride’s personality, sense of style and taste, nor will be as much part of the motions that will carry her throughout, and the memories that will be made on the most magical of days; when regardless of if it marked the slightest, or the most dramatics of shifts, everything changed.
For true of every flower type and bud, no one bridal bouquet – not even if bought from a catalogue or made to order from matching single flowers or color, or from every possible bloom, color or texture – will be exactly the same. And there will always be one to not only accessorize every bridal look, but that will speak about everything that makes of the bride and bond unique, to perfection.
One that will immediately become the trust-worthiest of charms, beholden to the bride, to hold onto and see her through the time leading up to the big entrance and walk down the aisle. To hold onto during the ceremony and up to the I-do´s, throughout the celebration and outlasting it well after she parts with it. Tossing it in the air, sharing on the blessings of her good fortune.
And don’t forget be there for every picture of the bride that day. With the groom, family, bridesmaids, flower girls, groomsmen and guests; crying tears of joy, in state of elated laughter, dancing with abandonment and well after the shoes left her feet, smiling till her cheeks hurt. Recording every memory and every motion, of every emotion that day, when bride and groom crossed a threshold onto a new life.
So come think about it – the token and the amulet, the eloquence of blooms and sweet gestures, the symbol of unique character and taste, all wrapped into the trust worthiest of charms, to guide and to hold, carry through the emotions and be there for every motion and picture that day (selfies even,) to toss and see herself off and out onto the world for the adventure of a lifetime with her loving and well loved partner – not a matter of “why,” but in the case of the bridal bouquet; a scepter of sorts.
Ever prescient, lending a lot of personal meaning to everything that day.
Looking for stylish, affordable bridal bouquets (and wedding flowers)? Follow the links below for additional info and wholesale prices (on every order):
- All flowers
- Bridal bouquets
- Bridesmaid bouquets
- Boutonnieres
- Corsages
- Nosegays
- Wedding roses
- Wedding reception centerpieces
- Care instructions
Or set up a wedding consultation. Don’t forget to look at our wedding combos and wedding do-it-yourself packages.
All of our bridal bouquets are hand made from flowers grown by caring hands in eco-friendly greenhouses, from stems of blooms harvested just for you. All of your orders ship directly from the farm to your door. NOTE: please observe the care instructions insert in every box. By following these, our flowers will reward your mindful-care by remaining fresh for much longer, allowing you to enjoy their luscious full bloom for days.
We ship flowers grown by caring hands, directly from eco-friendly greenhouses to your door. Shaping emotions into boxes, bouquets and arrangements of blooms to order, we deliver colorful and grateful bunches of pure affectionate joy.
From the gentleness employed on planting our blooms – the harvesting of stems just for you – to when we show up at your door, GLOBALROSE delivers thoughtful welcoming care. Flowers that keep you company and cheer your space.
Flowers that are natural expression of our bonds, that are the embodiment of the beauty of kindness, in all its forms.
Celebrating kindness across the US since 1999
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Citations, Links & Author Credits:
[1] Source: Wikipedia, Flower Bouquets
[2] Source: Explore Italian Culture, Ancient Roman fashion for brides, and its influence on bridal etiquette today
[3] See: Wikipedia – Language Of Flowers
[4] Source: Royal Collection Trust – How Queen Victoria and Prince Albert expressed their love through flowers is explored in a new exhibition
[5] Source: Royal Central – Lydia Starbuck, Royal – Wedding Flowers: Queen Victoria
[6] Source: BBC/History – Professor Eric Evans, Overview: Victorian Britain, 1837 – 1901
Author credits: Felipe Arenas, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter