Romance. The middle name of the Spaniard. Or the French. Or the Italian? Everyone claims to understand this term so well. We do not want to stay to watch the fight ensue (or do we?). Whatever your perspective may be, romance is actually a fairly young concept in this world. Marriage, prior to the birth of romance, has often always been thought as a tool to unite families, obtain properties, and further change one’s living situations for the better. It was, in fact, a business deal. Not saying it still is not at times…but romance was far more unusual.
Not a days, we all grow up hearing about love and cultivate such enormous expectations that we know love before we have even met it and maybe even dilute ourselves regarding it. It becomes an obsession of sorts.
Or rather, what it is a question of what it can become. How do we appreciate these things? Well, it is different for everyone but a nice dinner, spending time together, or a gift is certainly a start. We recommend roses, synonymous with romance, for the beginning of a delightful day…or evening.