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Veterans Day and Flowers

This week, the eleventh of November 1918 (to be precise), marks the anniversary of what is famously known as “the end of the war to end all wars”. Today, we refer to this at Veterans Day, a nod to the “Great War” and all the trials and tribulations that came out of it. Although not deemed the official end, it was certainly an end to some of the greatest horrors…had we known there would be more to come later.

Anyway, with a string of pensiveness to surround the contours of our hearts, you may know someone who has been effected by this moment in a more personal sense than being an American or whatever it may be. Either way, the holiday season has a way of calling to mind thankfulness, and Veteran’s Day is one such example.

Some patriotic flowers is one way to go, our some comforting yellow-hued petals also ease the mind. Flowers, being that they possess such freshness, are a way of embracing life that has a singular uniqueness amongst various ways of commemorating existence. So enjoy the times we have, and most importantly, the freedom…it is perhaps our most precious possession.

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