Each bouquet contains 6 stems of green Palm Rivelina, 6 stems of green Dracena, and 40 green Lily Grass whips. Usually our online wholesale flower arrangements can be prepared for you almost immediately but in this case, please place your orders at least 10 days before your chosen date to ensure availability.
Globalrose is known across the industry as one of the best store to shop for online wholesale flower arrangements and green tropical arrangements. Not only do we provide a free delivery service, but our cut stems and blooms are some of the best in the market especially for these low price points. Handled by expert florists, you can be sure that your plants will arrive 100% fresh and healthy to create stunning green centerpieces or floral designs for your special day.
You guys are awesome! Ill make sure to save you in my favorites for the next time I organize a party. I do arrangements as a hobby since I looove flowers, who doesnt right? and since the family knows I have a knack for it, they have got me to do a quinceanera in the past and a wedding now. Im sure this wont be the last time I need your help. J You guys saved me tons of $$$. For the quinceanera I went to a local florist and even though I got the flowers In bulk they were still almost 3 times as much.
Have a fantastic day and again, thank you for taking such good care of my babies. They all arrived in perfect condition, and I thought it was super creative the way you placed little water reservoirs on each of the hydrangeas. You guys rock!
Thanks again!.