This bouquet of 36 handpicked best white open cut calla lilies come with stems around 22 to 24 inches long, offering lots of room for creative ideas. You can place them alongside lush foliage or pair them up with other flowers such as deep purple calla lilies, white roses, pink peonies and more. The beauty, texture, and strength of calla lilies will add so much value to any floral design whether as an accent flower, a gift bouquet or an elegant centerpiece.
To anyone considering Global Rose for your wedding flowers, DO NOT HESITATE. I spoke to Brian on several occasions before the event to be certain they could get the particular rose I wanted for the altar arrangements and pews, and not only were they the right variety, but they were more beautiful than the picture could capture. He was very patient with me, upon calling him several times. I ordered mini and large calla lilies, belles of Ireland, and two types of roses. They all arrived at 8:30AM from Fed Ex on the desired delivery date, and were MAGNIFICENT. There wasn't 1 bad or broken bloom out of over 500 flowers! My neighbor, who works for an event planner, was stunned at how beautiful they were. Not only that, it is now over 3 weeks later, and some of the roses are still fresh -- this is a miracle, since I have never had roses last that long, EVER. This is an amazing company to deal with -- I couldn't be more pleased!
Carol Buss
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