Imagine a dozen classic red roses surrounded by ten light pink princess lilies, resembling a full moon in the night sky with twinkling stars. The captivating Red and Light Pink Grandiose Bouquet holds a total of 26 flowers which are cherry-picked from our greenhouses and meticulously assembled by our team of flower experts; who also let us in on a little secret. The trick to creating a well balanced rose bouquet is to select the right texture, color, and form of the other companion blooms. Our florists definitely have an eye for style by selecting alstroemerias with smaller blooms to accentuate our glorious wide-cup-shaped dozen roses arrangement and placing the flowers together with foliage such as ruscus or eucalyptus with silvery green leaves. The composition of this bundle of blooms is as close as it gets to perfection.
The price to pay for a dozen roses as fresh and bright as these has never been more affordable. This bouquet is the perfect gift for a women's award night, a gala dinner, charity drives, and even breast cancer awareness events. Stand out from the crowd in 2020 and swap your tired pink florets for a larger bouquet of red roses accompanied by light pink flowers to raise funds instead. You could even give out little handmade sprigs tied together with pink ribbons or thin twine ropes as door gifts. Say congratulations to female entrepreneurs or the winner of the modern woman of the year award with our Red and Light Pink Grandiose Bouquet. The deep red rose will undoubtedly symbolize the modern day woman plus pink flowers to represent her femininity. If your breast cancer awareness organization is gathering for a fundraiser, decorate each table with our alluring blooms to support the cause by highlighting the everyday woman's fight and survival against cancer, an alarming health crisis.
We would like to tell you more about our light pink alstroemerias that are native to the rocky sandy soils of South America. Global Rose is able to provide the best environment for these trumpet-shaped flowers to thrive because our farms and greenhouses are located in the evergreen plains of Colombia with an abundance of sunlight and fresh water. Beautifully spotted with darker red tones and yellow markings in the center, they bloom up to an inch or two in diameter. Famously known in their native lands as the lily of Peru or parrot lilies, they are one of the longest-lasting cut flowers to decorate homes as well as restaurant tables because of their hardiness and exotic patterns. This lily-like flower gene boast up to 200 different cultivars in a range of colors such as purples, red, pink, peach, yellow, white, and more. Each variety bear different markings, spots, and color streaks; a rare characteristic which makes our pink bouquet highly sought-after among customers.
Your red and pink flowers will last from a week to two weeks depending on their care. However, our 'silver drop' eucalyptus stems will stay fresh in your home for about three weeks, if placed in clean water. Did you know that eucalyptus leaves have many beneficial and creative uses around the house? Each roundish silver-blue leaf, about an inch in size, gives off a fantastic woody scent that helps in so many ways from soothing mild headaches to keeping nasty spiders away. If you are curious to test this out and rid your home of spiders, simply remove some leaves from the stems and place them in tiny sachets or little drawstring bags. You can then tuck these bags of natural repellants behind doors, inside drawers, and basically anywhere in the house. Another home remedy we would like to share is how to use the scent of eucalytus leaves as aromatherapy. To fully enjoy and bask in their musky woody scent (literally), toss the leaves into a pot of boiling water and wait for their fragrance to diffuse. Place a wet towel over your head, breathe in deeply and slowly feel yourself relaxing. This is a quick and simple home remedy for you relax using natural plants.
Here at, we firmly believe in all the benefits of fresh cut flowers and it is our mission to spread the joy of natural blooms. Our team, from farmers to business developers, are unanimously committed to being a green brand through stringent floriculture policies with the end goal of designing a win-win situation for our customers and the environment. We promise that you will receive beautiful plants with a guarantee that you supporting fair labor while protecting nature.