The tantalizing Red and White Grandiose Bouquet includes a dozen stalks of luscious red roses and ten white alstroemeria lilies. This flower bunch also comes complete with filler foliage; four stems of fresh eucalyptus or ruscus leaves. Ruscus is a low shrub plant with flat oval-tipped leaves that appear hardy and stiff. Nicknamed the butcher's broom, they were not only used as their name suggests but they were also traditionally believed to have healing properties for a number of illnesses. All bouquets from will arrive so fresh and crisp that it might seem like you personally handpicked them from our farms. It is undeniable that these are not store-bought roses.
It is proven that receiving gifts can make a person feel special and the one giving it may also feel gratified for spreading the love. It is not about spending money or giving into materialism but as we like to say, it's the thought that counts. A gift of nature in the shape of our Red and White Grandiose Bouquet will make your lady feel extra special. While women and mothers especially, should be celebrated everyday, it is not easy to constantly shower someone with presents. Choose this customized bundle of red and whites as your "I'm Thinking About You" or a casual anyday of the week present. Show that you always appreciate your mom's selfless act of caring for others and the unpaid job she takes on as a mother every day of her life. Also, when was the last time you gave her a stunning bouquet of red roses? Oh, a little grandiosity every once in a while is harmless!
Don't wait for the commercialized Valentine's Day to shower your beloved with flowers. Celebrate your girl boss or the industrious working mom by sending a fresh red and white rose bouquet to her office and she will apppreciate the display of affection. If she is a shy, private sort of lady, invite her for a surprise lunch date and drive down to her office with natural florals to say "I Love You". Did you know that having a bunch of natural flowers in your office space helps boost creativity while reducing work-related stress? Don't forget to bring a white vase so she can immediately place those florals on her office desk. Bring out that electrifying mega-watt smile you love so much by treating the stay-at-home mom to our colorful red and white blooms which will not only brighten the living room space but make it smell like a rose garden, something for the whole family to enjoy.
If you're planning your special wedding ceremony, do consider these gorgeous red and white wedding bouquets. The bi-color Red and White Grandiose Bouquet symbolizes playfulness and love with red-colored buds proudly displaying the universal color of love. With beautiful layers of petals forming cup-shaped blooms, these roses will melt the hearts of lovers everywhere. They grow bright and bushy because they are nurtured in the best environment to produce only the best for our customers. Global Rose firmly believes in sustainable farming with our stringent floriculture practises and strict policies in place, so you can trust in our commitment to caring for the planet.
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