The utmost elegant, striking and absolutely fresh Purple Carnations.
Purple carnations are grown in sustainable greenhouses, with the newest technology in existence, which is why we can guarantee superior flowers year round.
Globalrose offers a carnation collection online at prices that are generally less than your local wholesaler. Our Long Stem carnations and wedding carnations are harvest especially for you, your dearest one or a special occasion, 3 days before they are brought to your doorstep. They can be used for wedding table centerpieces, corsages, fundraising flowers, school events, carnation bridal bouquets or for Mother's Day flowers.
Globalrose is the best Floral Shop.
We have been purchasing our roses and carnations from Globalrose now for over a year now. We have found the flowers to be far superior to the ones that we were receiving from our other sources. We have had numerous customers call us to say that their Roses have lasted much longer than any other roses they had received in the past. We have virtually eliminated all customer complaints that their flowers did not last long enough. This applies to roses as well as carnations.
The size of the flower is also impressive. We have been buying mostly 'shorts' which are as long as our other suppliers 'medium' and 'longs'. The head size is as large as any 'long' that we normally would purchase. We have been purchasing the lower priced carnations and the stem length and head size are outstanding. Globalrose has always had our order to us exactly when we scheduled it. The price is right, the flowers are impressive, the longevity of life is superior, and they are at your door when scheduled. I have had numerous suppliers over the 46 years that our shop has been owned by our family and we have not had any better product than that from Globalrose.'
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