The utmost elegant, striking and absolutely fresh Christmas Carnations. The perfect mix of Red, White and Holiday Bi-Color Carnations.
Bi-color peppermint carnations are guaranteed only during the Christmas season (Nov 20 - Dec 31). For deliveries outside this period, we may substitute peppermint carnations with the Komachi variety (pink and white). If you have questions, please reach out to our support team at
The utmost elegant, striking and absolutely fresh Christmas Carnations. The perfect mix of Red, White and Holiday Bi-Color Carnations.
Christmas carnations are grown in sustainable greenhouses, with the newest technology in existence, which is why we can guarantee superior flowers year round.
Globalrose offers a carnation collection online at prices that are generally less than your local wholesaler. Our Long Stem carnations and wedding carnations are harvest especially for you, your dearest one or a special occasion, 3 days before they are brought to your doorstep. They can be used for wedding table centerpieces, corsages, fundraising flowers, school events, carnation bridal bouquets or for Mother's Day flowers.
Globalrose is the best Floral Shop.
Bi-color peppermint carnations are guaranteed only during the Christmas season (Nov 20 - Dec 31). For deliveries outside this period, we may substitute peppermint carnations with the Komachi variety (pink and white). If you have questions, please reach out to our support team at