The round bouquet or a chic hand gathered bouquet works well with all wedding types and dress styles. The flowers and colors selected will influence the formality of the bouquet and you can choose from either the same type flower to an assortment of sizes and varieties. Hand-tied bouquets can include a wide assortment of flowers and greenery, and are secured by using a satin ribbon. This type of bouquet has a very fresh look that will go well with rustic or bohemian weddings. Round bouquets have a perfect spherical shape and are usually done with the same type of flowers for example roses or hydrangeas and often on monochromatic colors, but it will look just as beautiful if you combine flowers in a variety of colors as well.
Global Rose has a complete variety of flowers, fillers and greenery to choose from to create your dream bridal bouquet. If you have trouble finding the right flowers, just email us the picture of what you are looking for at, and we will select fantastic blooms to make your bridal bouquet look just exactly as you wish. The process is very simple once you have submitted your email, you will receive a price quote for your mix of stems and selections. Once you have agreed with selection and price point, we will proceed with the order and you will then receive an email with your invoice and confirmation number. Please email the details of your request and/or pictures of your ideal bridal bouquet to or set an appointment with our Florist Specialist at 1 877- 701 7673 ext 107. We are here to help you make your dream wedding come true.