Buy a bouquet of 50 light green roses online for great savings and enhance your decor without going over the budget. Once you've enjoyed our premium roses, you won't ever have to ask where to buy bulk flowers online. If a rose can speak a thousand words with just one stem, imagine what an entire arrangement of 50 roses would say! Truly exceptional charm and beauty will exude from our light green roses with a hint of pinkish hues.
Get ready to be captivated by their aromatic fragrance and endearing qualities when gathered in smaller bouquets or large cascading arrangements. Enjoy a completely different aesthetic and ambience when you buy these flowers online. Our youthful green and pink blooms will satisfy even the pickiest of designers. Why hesitate to shop in bulk when you can capitalize on the savings because your satisfaction is our goal.
Our order arrived on Friday the 26th at 9am CST. The roses were a beautiful green and by Saturday morning they had opened and made gorgeous bouquets for the wedding reception tables. Everyone wanted to know where we got the flowers. Couldn't believe it when I told them. Your instruction on the care of the flowers after arrival was spot on.
Thank you for delivering a great product for an important event. We could not have been happier, we will be ordering from your company again.
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